Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love makes me want to puke

I've been watching a lot of channel v of late. Partly because its amusing, partly because we get to see our roommate Mike Wong on it. Every night at 8pm Wong is the VJ for a show called Asian Hero. The primetime show is a big hit with teenage girls and Wong spins out the latest Korean and Japanese hits for the kids. Korean Pop is huge in thailand now influencing style and music a great deal. A lot of the men out here have these awful K-pop haircuts that look sort of like emo mullets. There are some redeeming aspects of Korean Pop, the girl bands. Below is Girl's Generation a 9 member girl band who are disgustingly cute. It makes me want to puke. The second video is by the Wonder Girls. Wong is due to interview them next week. He's got a one in five chance of one of them liking him. Pretty decent odds, although I'd like to meet Girl's Generation, then the odds are even better!


So Hot

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